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Please share as much of the form as you are comfortable with:


this section helps us know if we covered all critical content

I understand Warrior Pak® is a Suite and it all works together.

I understand how Streaming® maximizes my capability to opportunity charge.

I understand the key benefit to the operator is perpetual power and uninterrupted communications.

I understand the power adapter should be disconnected at the battery when not in use, OR remain connected to a streaming power source, such as: wall charger, alligator clips, nato, male cig or 5590 adapter.

Warrior Pak is a Suite...No UnderstandingMinimal UnderstandingModerate UnderstandingGood UnderstandingStrong UnderstandingWarrior Pak is a Suite...
New Capabilities...No UnderstandingMinimal UnderstandingModerate UnderstandingGood UnderstandingStrong UnderstandingNew Capabilities...
Benefit to operator...No UnderstandingMinimal UnderstandingModerate UnderstandingGood UnderstandingStrong UnderstandingBenefit to operator...
The Universal Power...No UnderstandingMinimal UnderstandingModerate UnderstandingGood UnderstandingStrong UnderstandingThe Universal Power...

Training/Briefing content was thorough.

Thorough training...No UnderstandingMinimal UnderstandingModerate UnderstandingGood UnderstandingStrong UnderstandingThorough training...

Training stimulated me to think of practical applications of Warrior Pak Systems. 

Training stimulated...No UnderstandingMinimal UnderstandingModerate UnderstandingGood UnderstandingStrong UnderstandingTraining stimulated...

I am satisfied with Warrior Pak after sale support. 

I am satisfied...No UnderstandingMinimal UnderstandingModerate UnderstandingGood UnderstandingStrong UnderstandingI am satisfied...

Presentation of Training material was clear and concise.

I am satisfied...No UnderstandingMinimal UnderstandingModerate UnderstandingGood UnderstandingStrong UnderstandingI am satisfied...

Thanks for submitting!

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